
Payments & BillingFor Support teams

Secure remote credit card payments over the phone. Voxpay is certified PCI-DSS Level 1.

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Voxpay provides its market-leading expertise to offer an omnichannel solution (e.g. voice, SMS, e-mail, whatsapp, chat) for securing remote credit card payments over the phone. Voxpay is certified PCI-DSS Level 1.

Never ask for a credit card number

With Voxpay, consumers enter their payment card details on their phone’s touchtone keypad (DTMF) during a phone call with the agent or via Interactive Voice Response (IVR). Alternatively, payment card details can also be entered on a web payment form whose link is received by SMS, e-mail, or WhatsApp.

As such, credit card numbers are no longer being visible or audible by the agents, enabling your call center to be PCI-DSS Level 1 compliant.

Improve customer and agent experience

During the payment, the agent never sees or hears payment card details. At the same time, agents and customers remain in full voice communication during the payment. The agent can supervise the payment thanks to his secure interface and can assist the customer effectively until the end of the transaction.

Flexibility and compliance

Ensuring the highest quality standards through the PCI DSS level 1 certification, Voxpay solutions meet the needs for security while committing to superior flexibility. All messages or forms received by the customer are fully customizable by the merchant.

Seamless and secure

Voxpay is directly connected with your payment providers and is able to manage operations such as authorization, capture, card print, and multiple payments. PAN and CV2 entered by the customers are processed by your PSP over a secure connection.


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